Higher average daily trading volume in the stock market

The average daily trading volume in the Amman Stock Exchange during the period from 12/07 to 12/11 about (10.8) million compared with (7.8) million for the previous week and an increase (39.6%), and the total trading volume for the week totaled about (54.2 ) million dinars, compared with (38.8) million for the previous week. The number of shares traded recorded by the stock market this week has reached (65.9) million shares were traded through (25600) contract.

In terms of sectoral contribution to trading volumes, the financial sector ranked first in terms achieved was $ (29.1) million, a rate (53.6%) of the total trading volume, and came in second only to the services sector size of $ (16.0) million, a rate (29.5% ), and finally the industry size of $ (9.2) million and by (17.0%).

As for the price levels, the general index of stock prices to close this week fell to (2145.6) points compared to (2145.9) point to a decline of the previous week (0.01%). At the sectoral level, the index of the financial sector has decreased by (0.1%), and the index for the services sector rose by (0.47%), and the index for the manufacturing sector rose by (0.49%).

When compared to the closing prices of shares traded companies this week of (187) companies with previous Iglaqatha, it has been shown that (90) companies have shown a rise in share prices, while the prices of shares of (66).

For the top five gainers during the week were: Sri Development and Investment, where its share price rose by (23.26%), the National Cable & Wire, where its share price rose by (22.73%), Jordan to the processing and marketing of poultry and poultry products, increasing its share price by (21.82%), barter transfer and investment, where its share price rose by (21.74%), and the Arab electrical Industries as its share price rose by (20.41%).

The top five losers in the stock prices are: Jordanian Arab Insurance Group, where the share price fell by (21.82%), the elite financial investments where the share price fell by (9.45%), the efficiency of financial and economic investment as the stock price fell by (8.47%) Jordan housing for land development and industrial projects where the share price fell by (7.04%), and sail for real estate development and investment as the stock price fell by (6.33%)

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